What is Falls Prevention?
As we get older we tend to become less mobile. Without regular movement our joints become stiffer, our muscles become weaker and our balance becomes unsteady. Not only does this increase our risk of falling but it becomes a cycle in which our lack of balance and weaker muscles put us off walking, increasing our risk of falling when we do walk.
Falls Prevention is aimed at preventing falls entirely in those at risk of having a fall in the Slough area. This is achieved by reaching out into the community to identify those that may be at a medium risk of falling often
without knowing it.

Benefits of fall prevention
Falls are a major threat to the health and independence of older adults aged 60 and older, being the leading cause of injury deaths and nonfatal injuries. Nearly one-third of older adults experience a fall, and about one out of ten falls among older adults result in a serious injury, such as a hip fracture or head injury, that requires hospitalization. In addition to the physical and emotional pain, many people need to spend at least a year recovering in a long-term care facility. Some never return to their homes.
The good news is falls can be prevented!
The opportunity to help reduce falls among older adults has never been better.
With some minor adjustments and through a holistic approach, Health & Wellbeing Slough can help you or your loved ones make the changes necessary to live a strong, independent, and balanced life.

How can we help you ?
Our team of Wellness Coaches will carry out a detailed assessment of your falls risk while collaborating with you and your family to develop a package of community-based support. Our comprehensive assessment includes:
- Falls self-confidence test
- A basic questionnaire assessment
- Footwear and food care assessment
- Falls free referral tool
- Quantitative Timed Up and Go (QTUG) test:
This will determine your level of risk for falling, and place you within low-medium-and high risk - Home risk assessment
Once our Wellness Coaches have completed the comprehensive assessment, your results will be explained to you and referrals will be made to the most appropriate community support services if necessary.

Home exercises
We understand that some of our service users may feel very isolated and be at a greater risk of having a fall. It is vital to ensure that you are keeping yourself as active as possible during this time by doing some basic home exercises. To help you, we have compiled the following simple exercises that you can follow in the comfort of your own home.
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